
Showing posts from May, 2018

What I Like About Malaysia

Welcome to What I Like About Malaysia! 1.  Affordability I am paying $600 for a 2-bedroom, one bath apartment with a kitchenette that has a cooker, a refrigerator, and a washing machine.  All bills paid. I recently had internet installed by Time .  The monthly rate for unlimited internet with 100 Mbps is $37.46.  A down payment of  $75 and valid passport information was required.   I ordered the service online, and the service was installed two days later.   It took approximately fifteen minutes for the installation.  The internet is fast, but my kids say that when they are chatting on Xbox, they receive complaints about a lousy ping issue.  Otherwise, it works very well until a month after the installation when we were not able to get a connection.  The installer informed us beforehand that it would happen and for us to call customer service.  That's what I did.  The only problem was that you lose the network nam...