The Arrival
Welcome to The Arrival! On the last blog, I talked about our air flight experience. In this blog, we are moving on to our arrival in Malaysia. Now, here we are at Kuala Lumpur International Airport with no phone service or hotel shuttle. I wasn’t worried as much because at least we had made it this far. While I was casually taking my time, I found a booth where I had $1000 converted to RM, and I received 3700 RM! Sounds pretty good, huh. So far, in Asia, we didn’t have to worry about transportation. Taxi and Uber drivers were lined up soliciting their services. It reminded me of the red carpet where ropes were blocked off on two sides while the passenger walks down the ramp as drivers tried to get your business with handheld signs. We ended up using a taxi service that charged 43 RM ($10.97). Not too bad for a 45-minute ride in a taxi-van. As usual, we had to hold on for dear life during the ride! What I’ve learned so far w...